Are you keeping safe and healthy?
According to the NHS, ‘Keeping warm over the winter months can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.
With the dangers to your health and well-being that cold weather can bring, how can you keep yourself healthy over the coming months?
With rising energy costs, cranking up your heating may not be an option. Luckily there are other ways to keep warm and improve your health this winter, especially when out and about.
Exercise, herbal tea, healthy foods & vitamins
Regular exercise is not only a great way to keep warm during winter but also has incredible health benefits all year round
Herbal teas are often packed with vitamins to support your immune system and keep you healthy over winter along with warm healthy foods.
Looking after your diet can have enormous benefits for your immune system and overall well-being
Supplementing your diet with vitamins can help your body to fight illness during the winter months. Vitamin D supplementation is important when days are shorter and we have less natural exposure
Keep fighting fit - How can vitamins help me prepare for winter?
Public Health England released the following statement around Vitamin D: ‘Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and muscles.
(1) Everyone is advised to take a supplement of Vitamin D during winter months.
(2) Everyone (including pregnant and breastfeeding women) should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micro grams of vitamin D during the autumn and winter.
(3) Ensure you have enough Vitamin D is vitally important to maintain your health and well-being throughout the winter months. With less sunlight during the day, your body does not receive the amount of Vitamin D it is used to.
How do I know if I am getting enough Vitamin D?
Luckily test kits are now readily available which can track your Vitamin D levels throughout the day. Using a test kit means you have peace of mind that your Vitamin D level is not negatively impacting your health during winter.
A good Vitamin D test kit will give you an idea of whether or not you need to supplement your Vitamin D intake (click here to see our Vitamin D supplement options), and most importantly, by how much.
Do test kits work?
If you’re unsure about using a test kit, here is what one of our customers had to say about the impact of testing your Vitamin D levels:

“Back in May I tested my levels with the new spark app. From my results it showed that I took two tests, one on 10th May and one on 24th. I saw a slight change as I took 1,000iu vitamin d daily tablets for 2 weeks. I have been struggling a bit to get up in the mornings with aches and pains, general feeling unwell, but usually perk up around lunchtime and then hit a low early evenings.
I have in the last three weeks started to take SunVit Pro 4,000iu sports capsules daily Mon-Friday between 6-8pm after my meal, now I have started to feel a bit better in the mornings so I will continue to complete the pack and then look to do another test in a couple of months and will update you with the results.
I am also tracking my body battery and stress levels etc through my Garmin watch and app so I can see where my body is at its lowest low and behold it is the times above mentioned I find a massive peak when sleeping and resting.”